Want to know something exciting about Dr. Wells? He’s a twin! Dr. John Wells is an endodontist, and a perfect pairing with his brother and a testament to the importance of seeing both your dentist for regular checkups, and seeing your endodontist for those special cases. Whether it’s a teeth cleaning, general oral procedures, or extreme tooth pain requiring special attention, South Charlotte Dentistry has you covered!
Your first question, most likely, is “what is an endodontist?” Are they dentists, doctors, specialists? Think of it like this: all endodontists are dentists, but not all dentists are endodontists. In fact, less than three percent of dentists are also endodontists. So what is the difference between them?
Put plain and simple, an endodontist is a specialist who has gone through an additional two or three years of training beyond dental school. This extra specialized training helps to focus on precise tooth issues, primarily the interior of the teeth. An endodontist can diagnose tooth pain and root canal treatment, as well as, other special procedures dealing with the inner workings of the teeth. Endodontists are important for many reasons, but one is that they can save teeth from dying and rotting—making them a perfect companion to any dental agency, especially when the dentist and endodontist are twin brothers!
Sometimes it Takes Two…Baby
Our mouths are filled with a mixture of both soft and hard tissues. The hard tissue areas, such as the teeth and jaw, are connected to soft tissue areas like the gums and tongue. Sometimes, whether due to an accident or occurring naturally, problems can arise with the tissues in the mouth. These problems consist of missing or broken teeth, improperly seated jaw joints, faulty bites, gum and jawbone damage, warn-down dental work, and even some mouth diseases. These complications of the mouth take very special diagnoses and sometimes it takes close communication between both a dentist and an endodontist to get it right—if only we knew of a dentist and endodontist who were in close contact with one another!
Here are a few specific procedures where having two specialists is often better than one:
- Oral Surgery: this consists of root canal therapy, tooth extractions, and soft and hard tissue grafting.
- Bruxism Treatments: these are various treatments designed to repair the symptoms of excessive teeth grinding.
- Cosmetic Dentistry: this includes porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, gum re-contouring, and dental bonding.
- Implant Dentistry: this procedure uses dental implants to replace missing teeth, which includes directly replicating the missing tooth from the root to the crown.
- Restorative Dental Treatments: these treatments include dental crowns, fillings, bridges, onlays, and inlays.
These treatments are complicated and very precise, which is why it is a huge benefit to have a dentist and endodontist who are in close contact with each other. It is important they are able to clearly communicate with one another, beyond making entries in the individual’s dental history document. Since Dr. Wells and his brother share in their passion for dentistry, they can work together when diagnosing and dealing with whatever issue is presented to them.
When to See an Endodontist
Typically, when we experience extreme tooth pain, we call our dentist—and this is the right thing to do. Common toothaches can be caused by gum disease or cavities, and a dentist is more than capable of treating these issues. But it’s when we having lingering pain after seeing the dentist that a call to the endodontist may be needed. Luckily, Dr. Wells (the dentist) can set you up with an appointment with his brother directly—and, as previously stated, this is doubly beneficial since Dr. Wells can discuss what he has seen with your situation with his brother so they can work together to take care of the issue.
When you go to see an endodontist, and after he has reviewed your dental history, he will perform a thorough exam (of diagnostic imaging and testing) in order to identify the exact problem. From there, he will discuss with you the options, benefits, and risks involved in taking care of the issue. He will also take time to explain the required treatment, and often times the necessary procedure can take place in one, simple appointment.
South Charlotte Dentistry has yet another great reason for you to come in for a checkup. There is truly nothing we can’t handle, and we always look forward to new challenges. Come see us today!