Friday, May 31, 2019

The Future of Teeth Whitening: Dental Whitening Lamps

When it comes to brightening that smile, using LED lighting for whitening teeth seems to be the wave of the future.

With its popularity quickly growing, due to spectacular results, dentists and patients are beginning to take a closer look at this advanced method of removing coffee, nicotine, and wine stains from the teeth. But is using LED lighting—or, blue lighting, as it is often called—for whitening teeth a safe practice? Though the results of this particular whitening method are positive, patients are still citing some enamel loss and increased sensitivity. Luckily, doctors have just recently discovered an even newer method, still using LED lighting, to whiten teeth but without the negative effects.

For a lot of people looking to whiten their teeth, they find the strips and gels and paints too damaging and painful. You don’t need to have sensitive teeth to feel the sharp pain of some of the modern whitening plans. The increased sensitivity we have seen rise right along with the sales and popularity of take-home whitening products is due to a lethal procedure: hydrogen peroxide robs your teeth of electrons and enamel begins to break down. The result is that hateful sting that comes at first contact of cool air or liquid.

LED Lighting
Here’s how it works: A gel is applied to the teeth then LED lights are used to trigger photocatalysts in the teeth, which then brighten and whiten. The gel is used to speed up the process and make the LED light more effective.

Though the chemicals in the gel used in conjunction with the LED lighting may not be quite as powerful as what’s used in other strips or gels, this process can still be harsh on the teeth—especially sensitive teeth. This has caused a bit of backlash, but this method is still seen as a step in the right direction, as it is not as intense as other take-home whitening products. But, new developments have been made, and the results are quite impressive.

A New Way of Whitening
According to the American Chemical Society, “researchers have now developed a new, less destructive method” of whitening. A gel is still applied to the teeth, and LED lights are used, but the effect is much more impressive.

Dr. Xiaolei Wang and colleagues have found an alternative compound to use in conjunction with LED lights to effectively brighten teeth, but without the negative side effects. Dr. Wang and his team wanted to eliminate the use of the hydrogen-peroxide base due to its damaging agents, so they took titanium dioxide nanoparticles and modified them so they could be triggered by blue lighting. The result? The team found that there was no significant enamel erosion and the teeth tested were significantly whiter.

Before You Whiten
Though it is tempting to buy the most popular take-home whitening products on the market—I mean, they must work if people are buying them, right?—be careful. Just because your friend has found a product that works without causing sensitivity and enamel loss, it doesn’t mean the results will be the same for you.

Your first step is to come in and meet with Dr. Wells and his team. They can successfully assess your teeth and gums to forecast which method(s) might be best for you. But, if you absolutely must start the whitening process immediately, follow these tips until you can come see us at South Charlotte Dentistry:
1.      Keep away from trays and gels. The problem with this method is that it can take weeks for results to show. And, most people who use the tray and gels report having teeth sensitivity afterwards. 
2.      Use caution with whitening strips as well. Though results can show in about a week, over time, this can cause irritation. Also, if you use the strips too often, your teeth can become sensitive.
3.      When you have the time to wait, use paint-ons. The paint-on method solves the problem of the whitening agent interacting with interior soft tissues, such as the gums and inner cheek. You simply brush the whitening gel on each tooth and let it sit for a short period of time. The only down side to this method is it can take months before results can be seen, and you have to be diligent in getting the gel on each tooth daily.
4.      Whitening devices are your best option. Go ahead and do a little research and find an LED lighting kit to order—you can get them off Amazon.

Andrae Bergeron
CCP Web Design
South Charlotte Denistry

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