Monday, October 24, 2022

Flossing: Do you really need it?


“You need to incorporate flossing into your daily dental routine!” is a common recommendation we’ve all heard.

Though a surprising amount of people have not taken this advice to heart. Flossing is a dental practice that most Americans have no problem skipping. Some studies indicate that only 30% of Americans are regularly employing flossing during their daily routine. 

And when a majority of people are okay with going without doing it, it may beg the question — Is it really needed in the first place?

The answer is simpler than you may think, flossing is absolutely necessary if you want to maintain peak dental health. Here are just a few reasons why –

Flossing Is The Only Way To Remove Some Plaque

While your toothbrush does a good job removing easy-to-reach plaque, it can’t reach everywhere. Plaque can build up deposits in hard-to-reach places that lead to tartar buildup and other negative dental effects. Making use of floss is one of the key ways to remove early plaque build-ups before they worsen.

 Flossing Can Prevent Gum Disease

Much like the plaque problem, a toothbrush can’t do everything. When it comes to protecting and cleaning your gums properly flossing cleans your gums and can prevent or stop ongoing gumproblems, like early cases of gum disease. And conversely, not flossing increases the risk of gum disease.

Flossing is More Effective Than Just Brushing

The most convincing argument in favor of regular flossing is its all-around effectiveness. When you only use a toothbrush, you’re leaving 35% of your teeth uncleaned. The bristles of your toothbrush were never designed as a way to provide a full cleaning, it’s only one part, and flossing is the other.

 Tips On Incorporating Flossing

If you haven’t been flossing, beginning to incorporate it into your daily routine can seem challenging. Knowing a few ways to make flossing easier, and more effective, is much more likely to protect your dental health and keep your routine.

So here are some key tips —


  • Grab a long piece of floss, you want enough length to wrap each side around your fingers a few times. Place the floss between your teeth and go slowly, rushing can cause damage and increase your likelihood of bleeding.
  • Also, know that some blood is natural if you’ve not flossed in some time. Compare it to soreness after working out, it’s a sign that your health is progressing and very soon it won’t be happening regularly, or at all.
  • So, if you were one of those Americans who had been skipping out, what are you waiting for? Incorporate some flossing into your routine today and immediately improve your dental health. And, if you need a dentist who can help monitor your progress, reach out to South Charlotte Density today and have qualified professionals help you on your journey to improve dental health!


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